MicroResearch Forum 2024 - Executive Summary
Check out the executive summary of the 2024 MicroResearch Forum!
We are hosting another MicroResearch Forum, this time with both in-person and virtual events. The in-person Forum will be hosted at Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Mbarara, Uganda and Kenya Medical Training College in Narok, Kenya.
The Forum provides an opportunity for MicroResearch teams to present their research, opportunity for networking with other MicroResearchers from Africa and to create a dialogue around the forum theme: “Integrating MicroResearch into health systems for better community outcomes.
To register for the virtual event, click here!
MicroResearch Project Presentations - Forum 2024
Happy Holidays from MicroResearch!
See our end-of-year newsletter here.
MicroResearch 2023 Virtual Forum - Report
Our recent virtual Forum held in June was a massive success, with over 100 attendees, presenters, speakers, and panelists joining from 9 different countries! Read the full Forum Report here.
MicroResearch Annual Report 2022-2023
The MicroResearch team and community has been very active over the past year! Click here to view the MicroResearch International and MicroResearch Canada Annual Report for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Upcoming Event: MicroResearch Virtual Forum
June 19-21, 2023
MicroResearch Newsletter - April 2023
Click here to read our latest newsletter!
SAVE THE DATE - Virtual Forum June 19 - 21, 2023
Details to come.
MicroResearch Newsletter - October 2022
Click here to read our latest newsletter!
MicroResearch Virtual Forum June 2022 - Final Report
Our second virtual MicroResearch Forum was a great success, with over 80 participants, panelists, and presenters joining from seven countries across the two days. A huge thank you to all who helped organize, participate and attend! We look forward to seeing you all at future MR Forums.
To read the final Forum Report, click here.
MicroResearch Study Currently Recruiting for Interviews in 2022
We are looking for volunteers to participate in interviews about MicroResearch.
Who? Participants of in-person or virtual MicroResearch workshops in East Africa between 2016 and 2022
What? Approximately 1-hour virtual interview
Why? To understand experiences of in-person compared to virtual MR workshops
Dr. Rockey Chen, Principle Investigator
The “Qualitative exploration of virtual versus in-person delivery of MicroResearch workshops designed for research capacity-building in East Africa” is a research project led by resident physician Dr. Rockey Chen, supervised by Dr. Beth Cummings, in collaboration with Ms. Teddy Kyomuhangi and Drs. Noni MacDonald, Bob Bortolussi, Tony Otley. This project aims to explore the advantages and challenges of in-person and virtual MR workshops in East Africa as perceived by the learners, in the hopes of improving future workshops.
MR workshop participants in East Africa between 2016 and 2022 inclusively may be contacted by our coordinator Ms. Kelly Hunter via email with further details and the consent form to see if you are interested in being interviewed for this study. The interview will be conducted virtually by Dr. Chen.
For more information, click here for the project proposal and the participant consent form.
MicroResearch Newsletter - Spring 2022
Upcoming event: MicroResearch Virtual Forum - June 6 & 7, 2022
Join us for our MicroResearch Virtual Forum on June 6 & 7, 2022 at 11:00am East African Time. Click here for more information.
Upcoming event: MicroResearch Strategic Thinking Workshop - November 29, 2021
We are planning a virtual workshop to discuss the future of the MicroResearch program. This Strategic Thinking Workshop will be held on November 29, 2021. For those in East Africa this will start at 17:00 and last a maximum of two hours. Please adjust time zone if you are not in East Africa.
The focus of this session will be to discuss priorities and outline the action plan, focusing on Research Education and Sustainability. To ensure for a lively discussion and to have a broad range of perspectives, we invite attendees from all our MR sites to join us for the meeting. Ahead of the workshop, all registrants will receive pre-recorded keynote talks, preliminary information, and will be asked to provide opinions through a survey before November 29th.
To register for this workshop, click here.
MicroResearch Newsletter - Fall 2021
MicroResearch 2021 Virtual Forum
The 3rd MicroResearch Forum was held virtually June 23-24, 2021. The virtual platform allowed MicroResearchers from Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, and Tanzania to network and share research findings and proposed projects. Guest panelists held thoughtful discussions on the topics of Research Ethics, Research Education, and Knowledge Translation. A huge thank-you to all the presenters, panelists, participants, and guests! We look forward to the next MR Forum!
Click here to read the MicroResearch 2021 Virtual Forum Report.
Updated MicroResearch Projects Booklet - July 2021
The latest version of our MicroResearch Project booklet is here! The booklet contains updated stats and figures about MicroResearch workshops and projects, as well as project abstracts and a full list of publications.
Click here to view the MR Project booklet.
Upcoming virtual event: MicroResearch International 3rd Forum - June 23 and 24, 2021
This event will be attended by former MicroResearch graduates, partners, volunteers, and local researchers. It offers a chance to share research findings and connect with other researchers, educators, and policy makers within East Africa and internationally.
If you're interested in registering for this event, please contact microresearch@dal.ca.
MicroResearch Newsletter - Spring 2021
Teddy Kyomuhangi nominated to the Canadian Global Health Organization’s Transition Committee
We are pleased to offer our congratulations to our colleague Teddy Kyomuhangi from Mbarara, Uganda on being nominated to the new Canadian Global Health Organization’s Transition Committee! Teddy has been an indispensable partner to MicroResearch, helping to manage the MR hub site in Mbarara. Her input and feedback from an African perspective will be invaluable in the transition of this amalgamated Canadian global health organization.
Virtual MicroResearch workshop at Mbarara University of Science and Technology - March, 2021
MicroResearch will be hosting the first virtual workshop for MUST this March. If you are in Mbarara, Uganda and are interested in participating, please contact researchdmn@gmail.com.
MicroResearch Newsletter October 2020
A group of Obstetrics and Gynecology residents in Kigali, Rwanda learning about how to define a research question using MR curriculum materials, August, 2020. Photo submitted by Dr. Polyphile Ntihinyurwa, a 2018 MR workshop graduate from the University of Rwanda
New publication from a MR knowledge translation grant
Ivan Mugisha Taremwa, Scholastic Ashaba, Carlrona Ayebazibwe, Imelda Kemeza, Harriet Ochokoru Adrama, Daniel Omoding, Jane Yatuha & Robert Hilliard (2020) Mind the gap: scaling up the utilization of insecticide treated mosquito nets using a knowledge translation model in Isingiro district, rural south western Uganda, Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 8:1, 383-397, DOI: 10.1080/21642850.2020.1814782
Background: The phenomenon of Knowledge Translation (KT) is a key intervention towards bridging the ‘know–do’ gap. We conducted a KT initiative in Isingiro district to positively change attitude and improve on the uptake of Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets (ITNs) as a malaria prevention strategy.
Methods: This was a community based interactive initiative that was carried out within the seventeen administrative units of Isingiro district using varied dissemination activities, namely: health talks; drama activities, and the sharing of ITNs success stories.
Results: We reached out to 34 dissemination groups, comprising communal gathering, religious crusades, open markets, secondary schools, and district administration. In addition, we spot-visited 46 households to ascertain the physical presence of ITNs, and their appropriate use. The major intervention was improved knowledge base of malaria causation and prevention strategies. The indicators for improved knowledge were hinged on the five-interventions, namely: (a) communal sensitization on malaria to provide, (b) monitoring and support of selected households, (c) emphasis of ITN use as a malaria prevention strategy, (d) promotion of care for ITNs, and (e) promotion of ITN use. In all, the major output was improved knowledge base of malaria causation and prevention strategies by providing accurate information to redress the myths and misconceptions related to malaria and ITNs use.
Conclusion: This undertaking describes a consolidated community intervention to promote ITN utilization. It is plausible that this intervention positively enhances and promotes uptake and utilization of ITNs.
All Projects Booklet for July 2020
Check out our latest booklet outlining all completed and active MicroResearch projects and a list of all MicroResearch-related publications!
MicroResearch workshop at MUST, February 2020
MicroResearch June 2020 Mini-Newsletter
Read our special edition mini-newsletter here, including a statement regarding the passing of Harriet Chemusto of Mildmay Uganda and an announcement of new funding to reinstate MicroResearch in Malawi.
Harriet Chemusto at a beach in Nova Scotia - October, 2019
Canadian Conference on Global Health: Abstract submission now open!
The Canadian Society for International Health is now accepting abstracts for the 26th Canadian Conference on Global Health. We highly encourage MicroResearchers to submit an abstract that fits within the conference's themes: Environment and Climate Change; Health Systems and the Burden of Disease; Innovating for Health; Changing Politics. Deadline for abstracts is June 17, 2020. Visit the CSIH website for more information: https://csihevents.org/ccgh2020/callforpresentations
Note: the upcoming deadline for MicroResearch grant proposals is May 1, 2020, however, due to the COVID-19 crisis we are offering extensions. Please reach out to us at MicroResearch@dal.ca if you have any questions or concerns.
Statement from MicroResearch and Special Edition Newsletter
In light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, we are postponing any planned MicroResearch events and workshops for the foreseeable future. This is a time to focus on the health and safety of our communities. Our thoughts are with our MicroResearch community around the world.
Please check out our special edition MicroResearch International and MicroResearch Nova Scotia newsletter to read an open letter from Bob and Noni regarding the current global crisis. Stay safe and healthy!
Read Newsletter
Other News
Grant Competition Deadlines: May 1 and November 1
Join in on the discussion and learn more about MicroResearch.
MicroResearch workshop MUST, February 2020
MicroResearch Newsletter November 2019
MicroResearch at the 25th annual CSIH Canadian Conference on Global Health in Ottawa
MicroResearch was happy to make an appearance at the Canadian Society of International Health’s 2019 conference this October. With two posters and two oral presentations by MicroResearch collaborators, the program sparked quite a bit of interest among the conference attendees. See our upcoming Fall 2019 newsletter for more information about the conference.
Publication: Parents’ and caretakers’ perceptions and concerns about accessibility of antenatal services by pregnant teenagers in Mbarara Municipality, Uganda
Publication: Level of partograph completion and healthcare workers’ perspectives on its use in Mulago National Referral and Teaching Hospital, Kampala, Uganda
Publication: Will district health centres use preloaded cell phones for pre-referral phone calls for women in labour: A randomized pilot study
Introducing our first ever MicroResearch Writing Workshop!
We are happy to announce that our first MR Writing Workshop was a great success! Held in Mbarara, Uganda, participants were graduates of previous MR workshops looking to expand on knowledge translation through their writing and publishing skills. MR is looking forward to holding more writing-based workshops in the future.
MicroResearch Newsletter April 2019
Publication: A cross-sectional mixed-methods study of sexual and reproductive health knowledge, experiences and access to services among refugee adolescent girls in the Nakivale refugee settlement, Uganda
MicroResearch Newsletter August 2018
Publication: Infant feeding practices among HIV-exposed infants less than 6 months of age in Bomet County, Kenya: an in-depth qualitative study of feeding choices
Publication: MicroResearch: an effective approach to local research capacity development
MicroResearch Newsletter January 2018
Learn about Isha Grant's MicroResearch project
MicroResearch Newsletter August 2017
MicroResearch Newsletter June 2016
MicroResearch Newsletter November 2015
Publication: Finding sustainable solutions to local health challenges in East Africa
MicroResearch Newsletter May 2015
Addressing Barriers To Improved Community Health in East Africa
by Robert Bortolussi and Noni MacDonald
Canadian Network for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Blog
MicroResearch 20/20 Strategic Plan
MicroResearch Newsletter November 2014
MicroResearch Newsletter March 2014
MicroResearch Forum March 25-26, 2013
The MicroResearch Forum took place on March 25-26, 2013 at The College of Health Sciences, Mulago Hospital, Kampala Uganda. It was a great success and we encourage everyone to review the report located under Training / Forum tab.